General Confession – Ib

SACRILEGE COMMUNION – I approach the sacraments in a state of a mortal sin
  • I approach the sacraments with the consciousness of sin (I did not perform imposed repentance, I did not perform the Sacrament of Penance well – I did not confess all sins, I neglected to prepare for the Sacrament of Penance, I make a mockery of the sacraments, I spread delusions and heresies).
  • After the sacrilege confession I consciously remain in sin – I wear a red string, I use contraception, I live in a free union without marriage, I have not repaired damages caused – on property – theft, retention of inheritance, disinheritance, unjustly acquired inheritance, unfairly acquired property, things (without the conscious consent of another, abuse good will of another, naivety, trust, extortion, imposing conditions), robbing the employer, doing fraud, doing business dishonestly.
  • I did not participate in the whole Holy Mass
  • I went to Holy Communion only because others also went.
  • If someone receives the Holy Communion in such a state, is receiving it for own condemnation.
  • Did I tempt God? – By word or deed, did I test his goodness and omnipotence?
  • Sacrilege – sacrilege reception of the Holy Communion, I have desecrated the sacraments, liturgical acts, persons consecrated to God, objects, places, or didn’t I treat them with dignity?
  • Simony – did I buy or sell spiritual realities, graces, sacramentalities, ranks, and holiness? Did I sell sacred things for money? It is not permissible to appropriate the spiritual goods and behave toward them as the owner or master, because their source is God. They can only be received as a gift from Him.
  • Atheism – I refuse or deny the existence of God, a common form of atheism is practical materialism.

Did I fall into despair, distrust in God’s love and mercy?

  • Despondency, distrust in God, I doubt that God has forgiven my sins, that He longs for my salvation
  • Questioning of the Holy Scriptures, ecclesiastical authorities – Pope, priests, the Church itself.

God’s mercy is infinite, but its manifestations have limits. God is merciful but also righteous. ,,I am righteous and merciful but sinners consider me only merciful.” said the Lord to St. Brigitte.

Mercy is a promise to a repentant who fears God, not to one who abuses it. In other words, God patiently bears the sinner, but not to infinity. God damns those who sin with hope of forgiveness. The hope of a sinner who repented is pleasing to God, but the hope of the hardened one is disgusting to Him: ,,For them the refuge has vanished.”(Job 11,20) God does not give grace to infinity.

Sinners enjoy themselves in certainty, as if God had certainly promised them forgiveness and heaven in the hour of death. They want to sin without losing hope of salvation. It is true that no matter when the sinner is converted, God has promised him forgiveness, but He has not said that conversion will be possible on a deathbed. On the contrary, he objected: ,,You will die in your sins” (Jn 8: 21-24).

He said that whoever sought him at the time of death would not find him: ,,You will seek me, and you will not find me ”(Jn 7:34). God desires to save all but punishes those who are clenched. We do not know all the graces which the Lord bestows on us, but the Lord knows them and has them measured, and when he sees that man despises them, he will leave the sinner in his sin and thus leave him to die. Poor one who repents at the hour of death.
,,The patient’s regret is sick.” says St. Augustine.

It is wisely said that the prayers, lamentations, and vows of a dying sinner are the same as the lamentation and promises of a person to whom the enemy raided and puts dagger on the person’s throat. For insincerity will not find forgiveness. St. Bernard says that a heart that has stubbornly adhered to evil in life will strive to get out of the state of damnation but will not be able to rescue itself. Life ends up burdened with its evil. For until now it loved sin, also loved with it the danger of damnation. Therefore, the Lord will fairly allow it to perish in the danger in which it wanted to live until death. St. Hieronymus says that out of one hundred thousand sinners who lived up to death in sin, only one is saved at the time of death.

God will let the sinner live with impunity, but the fact that He is not punishing, is sinner’s greatest punishment. He will leave the sinner in the hands of own sin. And He doesn’t seem angry with the sinner! And will let him do whatever he desires in this world. Miserable sinners who thrive in this life! It is a sign that God is waiting to make them sacrifices of His righteousness in eternity. There is no greater punishment than when God allows a sinner to accumulate sin on sin. It would be better for such an unfortunate man if the Lord let him die before committing the first sin. For when he dies after the sin, so many hells await him, how many sins he has committed. (St. Alphonse Maria De´Liguori)

You say that many people live in sin for a long time, and finally they converted. Be wary friend so that you miscalculated! Many people did regret it, but not everyone turned around. Also Saul was also damned, despite his regret (1 Sam. 15: 24-30). Judas also repented, gave money back, and hanged himself (Matt. 27: 3)

Person who believes that can despise God’s laws during life and still will finally receive reward and the eternal glory, mocks God, but “God cannot be mocked!” What you sow in this life, you will reap in the eternal life.

Dear Christian, what is said to others also applies to you. Make every effort to reach the state of grace again before death comes, for then you will no longer have time to make amends. The longer one stays in sin, the harder it is to turn.

When you are sick, you make the commitment to change when God restores your health. You will heal, but you are not reformed. You often even act worse than before. You’ omit confessions, Holy Masses. Remember that the second disease will come, you will die without repentance and go to hell. When the measure of sin overflows, God’s punishment irrevocably begins.

  • Am I continuing to sin?
  • I dare to rely on God, that He will forgive me, that I will be saved – while not changing my life so far and not working to eliminate my shortcomings, if someone warns me, I am angry, I do not accept it, I am offended, instead of thinking about that.
  • I do not examine thoroughly my conscience before the Sacrament of Penance – I omitted my sin (consciously, out of fear, out of shame or someone else has told me that it is not a sin – I was deceived because it suited me, from my own conviction).
  • Do I delay the Sacrament of Penance for later – just confess before my death, in old age, I will change and start working on myself when I reach a certain age – now I want to enjoy myself, I don’t want to give up anything, I still have enough time, so does that suit me?
  • Do I impudently trust that God has a duty to save me, even without my doing (I rely on God’s mercy, but I forget God’s justice) – I hope to receive God’s forgiveness without conversion and eternal glory without merits?
  • Do I impudently count on that I cannot be damned; I was baptized and I believe in God (but I do not live and do according to His commandments – even the devil believes in God and how much!)?
  • Do I overestimate my abilities – I hope I can save myself without help from heaven. Do I see and correctly perceive my life in the perspective of faith and eternity? Am I aware that no sin will go unpunished? Everyone will once stand in front of the Lord!

 Do I sin against God’s love?

  • Indifference, denial of His power, ingratitude, underwhelming, spiritual laziness – disgust, resistance to God’s good.
  • Hate – comes from pride, I deny the goodness of God, I dare to curse him as the one who forbids sins and imposes punishments, by declarations – if God existed, it wouldn’t happen, where God was then, why he let this be, etc.
  • I patiently endure the shortcomings and adversities of life; despite all do I trust God in everything?
  • Am I neglecting to do good? Am I aware that I will be judged by what I have done, but also by what I should have done, and have not done so?
  • Do I value myself to an objective extent – without beautification, Pharisaic modesty, pride? Am I deceiving myself for benefits or satisfaction of conscience?

Do I study religious literature? Am I striving to know God?

  • Do I study Holy Scripture, Catechism of the Catholic Church, church presses, Encyclicals?
  • Am I ashamed of my beliefs?
  • Parent – do I fulfill my duty to talk to children about God, his love, lead them to Him, explain religion to them, teach them, and give examples from the lives of saints? – Or do I count on that the child will be taught by someone else (in religion class, in church, grandparents…)? Do I provide them with appropriate religious literature (children’s Bible, children’s prayer book…)?

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