General Confession – VI

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God created man as man and woman, endowing them with the same personal dignity. The commandment applies to all human sexuality. Sexual pleasure is morally disordered if it is sought for itself (separately from the goals of procreation and union that are inherent in conjugal love).

Premarital or extramarital cohabitation (fornication, adultery), homosexual acts, petting, contraception, oral sex, pornography, masturbation – those are mortal sins. In humans, they destroy the bond of love with God and with other people and put them in a state of spiritual death and the bondage of evil forces. They destroy love, deepen selfishness, and make a person addicted to sexual experiences.

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”(1 Cor 6: 9-10)

„For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being, but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit” (1 Thes 4, 3-8)

  • When you only look at a woman (a man) lustfully, you have already committed adultery with her (him) in your heart.
  • Everything that leads to sexual experiences outside of marriage is a mortal sin. Even in marriage, not everything is allowed (it is necessary to maintain marital purity and avoid perversions – oral sex, anal sex, etc.) The so-called sex education = encouragement to immorality, to contraception.
  • Lustful kisses and touches.
  • The engaged should maintain purity in restraint.
  • Did I think in an impure way? Did I speak against purity?
  • Didn’t I look at impure magazines, books, websites, and movies?
  • Didn’t I sing obscene, offensive, ambiguous, vulgar songs? (Rap, many folk songs…) Did I listen to such music? Did I ruthlessly force others to listen to? (Playing the radio aloud, sang aloud). Did I arouse outrage? Did I spoil the morale of children and youth?
  • Was I not doing impure deeds with myself (masturbation) or with others? If yes, with whom it was (man, woman, single, married, etc.)
  • Do I express my love even though I am striving only for an occasional flirt or episode?
  • Do I give reckless statements made in the frenzy?
  • Am I dressing provocatively and indecently? I am a child of God; my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. In this way I bring myself and others into the sin of impurity, I arouse outrage, I cause suffering to loved ones – parents, my own children, husband, I show disrespect towards others – (I am causing impure thoughts, desires, speech, my own desire for admiration, short skirts, necklines, transparent clothes). Am I offending and corrupting the morale of youth and children? (I dress this way also at their presence, I give them a bad example) Am I accepting and spreading improper fashion? Which is not about how to dress women elegantly, but how to undress them.
  • Am I involved in demoralization? Am I vulgar? Am I improperly dressed, exposed, bare navel, short skirt, necklines, bikini, and inappropriate swimsuit? Don’t be ashamed to warn people if they dress inappropriately and show the public what they shouldn’t. If it is a close person, a family member – you have an obligation to warn him (her).
  • Have I visited a nudist beach? Sunbathing revealing breasts, buttocks? Publicly? In the presence of other people? In front of children, young people? Did I arouse outrage?
  • Did I marry frivolously, out of defiance, out of revenge, recklessly, out of calculation?
  • Is my marriage a bond of love? Am I not seeking domination over my wife (husband), am I not depriving her (her) of the right to dignity and personal freedom?
  • Did I break the word, even for an unimportant thing?
  • Did I try to arouse deeper feelings in the other person knowing that I myself can’t or don’t even want to fulfill them?
  • Did I try to evoke desires, which I did not intend to, nor opportunity to fulfill them?
  • Did I ask myself questions about the future of the relationship, in an effort to have a close relationship with another person? Do I feel responsible for the other person, his destiny, life situation?
  • Am I aware of the importance of a normal family situation for a child’s development?
  • Did I leave my wife (husband)? For what reason? Was I unfaithful? Because of another woman (man)? (Adultery)
  • Did I forgive adultery? Did I take my husband/wife back if he/she asked for forgiveness?
  • Am I committing adultery? – Do I live or have intimate contact with a divorced woman (husband), married woman, and married man – extramarital cohabitation? Do I have a child from such a bond? Have I started a “new” family?
  • I morally offend underaged – by words, jokes, inappropriate clothes, books, gossip, encouraging (to find a boyfriend (girlfriend)…)
  • Am I not telling ambiguous jokes? Am I having fun when other tell such jokes?
  • Did I mock of virginity, restraint, celibacy?