- You Shall Worship the Lord Your God and Him Only Shall You Serve. You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me.
The first of the commandments includes the commandment of faith, hope and love. Our moral life has its source in faith in God who reveals his love to us. Our duty toward God, is to believe in Him and to give testimony about Him.
- Voluntary doubt about the faith, truthfulness of what God has revealed and the Church presents to believe, hesitancy in faith.
- Faithlessness – neglect of revealed truth, voluntary refusal of faith.
- Heresy – by denying or questioning any truth that must be believed through the divine and Catholic faiths. Do I accept a doctorate from the Church in its entirety? Eg. hell does not exist, denial of virginity of the Virgin Mary, denial of the Holy Trinity.
- Apostasy – by rejection of the Christian faith, apostasy.
- Schism – refusal to submit to the pope or refusal of communion with the members of the Church who are subordinate to him. The schism of Christianity is also the Protestant movement. Participating in the Protestant and sectarian rites (Evangelical – Lutheran, Calvinist, Baptiste, Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.) – The practice of them, engaging them and accept them. Did I testify in faith in public life? (at work, in front of friends…).
- Don’t I not belong to an organization, which has anti-religious program, trend ? Did I not vote for these political parties, support such politicians – did I agree with them?
- Do I justify my sins and the sins of others (my children, the family, I use the excuse – today is different time …)?
Is God for me the highest value, the highest good? Is He first in my life? Do I consider God to be the Father? Am I trying to be his best child? Do I love Him with love that is above every other love? Do I serve consciously or unconsciously temporary gods? (cult of money, material goods, TV, power, career, own body, success…).
- Do I keep religious criteria and commandments in everyday life?
- Did I deny God? – biased, self-seeking (for the avoidance of church tax, in the census, at work…), mindlessly, to make self-interesting, because it suited me in the particular situation.
- During Lent was I living in sin (entertainment, dancing, not keeping fasting)?
- Do I blame God for the misfortune that had struck me? Did I accept the things of God as a gift of God and evil, as a test of loyalty and share in Christ’s suffering?
- Am I grateful for my life, every day lived, each new opportunity?
- Am I doing my daily work as a prayer with the intention to please God? (or to please people, be popular, be in the center of attention, seek for own benefits).
- Do I respect dignity while wearing sacred symbols? (Cross on chain, Rosary ring, medallion of the Virgin Mary). Do I consider them amulets, talismans, mockery?
- Do I pay tribute to the Eucharist? Do I go to adorations?
- Do I accept God’s will and God’s plan for my life?
- Do I listen to the voice of my conscience?
My God shall be the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Practically in my life, it is what I put first place in my thoughts, feelings, on behalf of what I do my deeds, what I prefer.
What is for me in the first place?
- I, myself – my health, my honor, my belly, beauty, body, selfishness, egoism, respect I expect from others, the others have to adapt to me, feelings of self-pity, feeling of injustice, do I expect an apology from others?
- Health Care – we have to respect the physical life, but does not make it an absolute value – the neo-pagan mentality is developing cult of the body ( sacrifice all to it, idolize physical perfection, obsession with exercise and body care, success in sport, leads at the same time to the perversion of human relationships).
- It is necessary to avoid any overshooting to extremes.
- Other people – my child, grandchild, husband / wife, family members, excessive love for people?
- Anything – money, property, car, house, nice clothes, jewelry, art, sports, career, vacation, vanity.
Thou shalt have no other gods except Me
- how many gods I worship? How many I serve? Own body – exercise due to figure, diets, excessive makeup, cosmetic surgery, beauty treatments, clothing, solarium…
- Wasting time – watching TV, visits, entertainment, silly speeches, jokes…
Which one most? What do I think most during the day?
- Entertainment, gluttony, receptions, TV, friends and acquaintances, family, property, own body, health, career, sports, dance, shopping …
- Polytheism, belief in reincarnation, Eastern religions – martial arts (worship of the sun, use of energy, etc., based on Eastern spirituality), Invoking the Dead, participation in spiritualistic sessions?
- Other practices which I assumed that reveal the future: divination of coffee, casting of lead, reading horoscopes, toking service of the fortune-tellers, I gave to interpret the cards (I interpreted them myself or others), tarot, angel cards, numerology, calculating the sex of the child, astrology, weather lore, reading out of hand?
- Acupuncture, occultism (reading occult literature too), esotericism, mantras (they summon and worship demons), astral projection, Feng shui, aura, reiki, psychotronic, Silva Method, pendulum, interpret dreams – dream-books, exercise of Eastern religions – 5 Tibetans, exercises for opening the chakras (opens access to evil spirits), breathing exercises?
- Halloween celebration – Carnival (also for children), carving pumpkins (it is based on the celebration of satan, the house in which they sacrificed child to satan was marked with the serrated pumpkin), witchcraft practices, changing clothes into costumes and masks of devils (headband with horns), witches, dressing up as priests and religious people (mockery).
- Halloween is the devil’s mockery of the feast of All Saints. No Christian shall celebrate and support it, promote, express consent.
- Did I visit folk healers – I myself abused the trust of others in this way. Alternative medicine = occultism.
- I committed idolatry – the deification of that, what is not God – voodoo/gods, evil spirits, creatures instead of God, power, pleasure, ancestors, health, money – I served mammon – the subject of main interest in my life were money and possessions, how to get them, how to keep them.
- Do I keep at home “souvenirs” gods – demons? Do I call it art?
- Do I excuse myself that I am not believing in it, that I don’t worship them? Statues, carvings, paintings, porcelain plates with their depictions, scarves, jewelry, keychains, magnets … (Buddha, Hindu deities, symbols of Eastern religions, Egyptian gods, pharaohs – they considered themselves a deity, Greek gods, the sun, the African statues and masks, voodoo …). Did I visit a Hindu or Buddhist temple e.g. on vacation? Did I take part in any ritual there? Did I let paint any symbols on my body, eg. henna? (even as a joke, or due to lack of knowledge).
- Superstition – Did I attribute created things supernatural effects, magic, miscellaneous fetishes (hanging a horseshoe, mistletoe for good luck, the tooth of the bear, hair), amulets, red strings, carbon water, spitting, knock on wood, black cat, Friday the 13th, talismans (also the abuse of religious medallions and rosaries for these purposes, hanging medallions on red lace, etc.).
- Often diseases in children – do examination of your conscience, if the devil found access into the heart of the child through our sin (eg. attaching red laces on strollers , or directly on a child – these are opening access to the child for demon).
- Homeopathy – the principles of homeopathy is based on magic, the occult. Imitating magic, where similar procreate similar. It belongs to folk healing (occultism).
- Yoga – immersed in the world of gods and spirits, its task is to evoke their presence, is satanic – and it is every yoga, one who practice it, opens up to demonic action. It is not a relaxation exercise, it is spirituality. Activates the chakras. Individual exercises represent initiation to specific gods – demons. Its practice is associated with the adoption of the Hindu teachings. By participating in idolatry, we open ourselves (even unconsciously) to the work of evil spirits. Did I practice some of these, did I incite others to do, and did I agree when others spoke me about it?