Did I pronounce God’s name recklessly, without need, respect, anger, nervousness, indecent jokes, in connection with obscene expressions, with curses, unnecessarily, just for my relief?
- A curse where the God’s name is inserted without the intention of blasphemy (for God´s sake, Chris sake …)
- Do I not blaspheme by misuse of words to offend God?
- I do swear falsely – do I call God to testify a lie? (I swear and deceive at the same time, under oath I make a promise with the intention of not keeping it, if I do not keep what I promised under oath – a serious offense). Did I undertake to take an evil deed under oath? (E.g. revenge). Am I not swearing in ordinary things?
- An oath can only be taken for a serious and reasonable reason (egg in court) – and only on the basis of truth, prudence and justice. If the oath is demanded by illegal civil authorities, it can be denied. It must be rejected if it is required for purposes which run counter to the dignity of the human person or of the community of the Church.
- Do I curse, or does it utter the name of the Virgin Mary and the saints with obscene expressions? Am I not sinning by using God’s name to intimidate others?
- I did not make jokes about sacred or religious acts, paintings, statues, crosses, Holy Scripture?
- Do I curse, or does it utter the name of the Virgin Mary and the saints with obscene expressions? Am I not sinning by using God’s name to intimidate others? I did not make jokes about sacred or religious acts, paintings, statues, crosses, Holy Scripture?
- I did not destroy or damage in anger or out of indifference religious things (tore the Scriptures, smashed the statue, threw the cross, the rosary, destroyed the rosary, and struck the statue, a holy image).
Blasphemy – is a mortal sin
- Do I speak against God internally (with thoughts) or outwardly – with words of hatred, reproach, provocation, ridicule, am I saying wrong about God, untruthfully?
- Am I abusing His name? Do I lack respect in the speech to Him?
- The prohibition of blasphemy also applies to words against the Church of Christ, holy, sacred things.
- Did I curse at the Church? Did I curse priests, religious, consecrated persons to God? (I slandered them, pointed them, criticized them, and ridiculed them for celibacy…).
- Using God’s name in magic.
The Christian name – the sacrament of baptism is given “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” – parents, godparents, a priest – should be careful not to give a name that is foreign to Christian thinking.