General Confession – VI

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Parent have I given my child consent to premarital cohabitation? (Also by silence)

Consent to premarital cohabitation is at the same time indirect consent to marital infidelity, because it supports the erroneous opinion that falling in love vindicates a sin. The longer a person has been sexually active before the wedding, the greater is the likelihood of divorce.

The attitude – before the wedding it is necessary to verify whether we go together well on the physical side – is a manifestation of great immaturity, it expresses the primacy of sexual instinct over a person, and it testifies that I consider another person to be a thing.  God created the organism of man and woman so perfectly that they always “fit” together.


It is a serious guilt. I become a tempter of my neighbor. I lead the other to do evil. I cause damage to honesty and integrity.

  • I can pull down my neighbor to spiritual death.
  • By my actions or neglect, I consciously and voluntarily lead the other to a serious transgression.
  • It acquires importance due to the authority of those who give it or the weakness of those who are subject to it.
  • It can be caused by – by fashion, behavior, public opinion, the law or an institution (laws leading to the decline of morals, the decay of religious life, business leaders – if they issue regulations inciting fraud, teachers “irritate” their students to anger, those who manipulate public opinion and turn it away from moral values).
  • If I use power in a way that incites evil – I cause outrage and at the same time I am responsible for the evil that I directly or indirectly support.

Lust – a disordered desire for sexual pleasure, or a disordered enjoyment of it.

Fornication – the physical union of a single man with a single woman outside of marriage, at the same time it is a great outrage when it spoils the youth. The right to sexual cohabitation is given only by Jesus Christ in the sacrament of marriage!

  • Were there more women (men) in my life with whom I had intimate liaison?

Pornography – grave transgression

Prostitution – a person who prostitutes and also a person who pays, they both sin heavily. They defile their body, the temple of the Holy Spirit.

  • Severity – women, men, children, adolescents (by children and adolescents the sin doubles with outrage).
  • Poverty, blackmail, social pressure – can reduce the responsibility for guilt.

Rape – is an even greater transgression if it is committed by close relatives (incest) or by the tutors to whom the children are entrusted.

  • Did I know about that? (I didn’t help the victim). Am I covering up a rapist? Am I closing my eyes to this?


A very serious perversion against the natural law. I reject God through a homosexual way of life. It does not come from true emotional and sexual complementarity. It is a visible manifestation of an invisible wound caused by a great lack of love.

Gay – is a socio-political identity. “Look who I am, I am normal and natural.” If one has adopted a gay identity, it means that he has buried hope and believes that changing from homosexual to heterosexual is not possible. Nothing is impossible to God!

Homosexuality – is a description of sexual preferences, a person’s reaction and self-perception, the feeling that a person does not belong to their gender. It’s a psychological condition. Behind homosexual impulses and behavior is always a feeling of inner emptiness. There is no homosexual gene (myth of innateness).

„Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Cor 6: 9-10)

A man has a male body that is designed by God to be able to have sex with a woman, so he is only heterosexual. There are only heterosexuals, some of whom (1.2-2%) have sexual problems. Our bodies are designed to be capable of having sex with the opposite sex.

  • Homosexuals are called to chastity. Homosexual tendencies can be cured by reparative therapy. The homosexual must pray a lot, live in purity, receive the sacraments, the Eucharist, ask for healing and rescue.
  • We must distinguish tolerance from acceptance (receipt). Tolerating people does not mean agreeing with them. Homosexuality brings a lot of evil; it is disgusting for God, we cannot accept it, agree with it, and support it.
  • Did I practice homosexual acts?
  • Did I not vote political parties, politicians fighting for “rights” of homosexuals?
  • Do I approve a same-sex partner for my child? Did I allow them to live together? Am I silent if my child acts like this?