General Confession – VI

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Fertility of marriage – fertility is a gift, it is one of the goals of marriage.

Every marital act is to remain open in itself to the procreation of human life — this teaching is based on God’s established inseparability of continuity — which one must not violate of one’s own volition.

Sexual intercourse in marriage is more than just the union of bodies – it is the physical and at the same time spiritual union of two complementary persons. This is how the richness of the human person created by God is manifested.

  • It is wrong and sinful for any act which, when the marital act is foreseen or performed, is intended to prevent procreation or would be used as a means to that end.
  • Seriously immoral – sperm or ovum donation, borrowed womb, in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination – violate the child’s right to be born of a father and mother whom he knows and who are united in marriage, separates sexual act from the act of procreation, introduces the dominance of technology over the beginning and destiny of the human person.
  • Sterilization
  • A child is a gift from God, not a debt to which one can be entitled.


  • A valid concluded marriage cannot be dissolved by any human power and for any reason, only by death.
  • Serious offense
  • It is an injustice to the person we loved and also an injustice to the children who are the fruits of this union.
  • Separation of spouses – may be justified, but the marriage remains (civil divorce may be tolerated if this is the only way to provide childcare or property protection).
  • Conclusion of a new union – a married partner who remarries is in a situation of permanent and public adultery.
  • A spouse who has sincerely sought to be faithful to the sacrament of marriage and is unjustly abandoned – an innocent victim of divorce, does not sin against a moral command.
  • Polygamy – a mortal sin

Free bond of man and woman – concubinage

  • A man and a woman refuse to get married, living intimately together.
  • Inability to commit to long – term relationships.
  • Sexual act has a place only in marriage! Outside of it, it is always a mortal sin and excludes from sacramental communion (sacrilege).
  • Even if there is an intention to marry – human love does not allow for a “test”. It requires complete and definitive mutual donation of persons.
  • As a parent, I have a duty to reprimand a child for living like this! I have a duty to warn him if he commits sacrilege at the same time! I must be fully aware that he is in danger of damnation.
  • Do I support my child in this? Do I agree? (Also, by silence) Did I provide them with housing? (Room, apartment) Did I suggest it to the child myself? (To get to know each other better, see if it works together for you, no need to hurry with marriage, today times are different…) Do I tell it in public if my child lives like this? Am I bragging about that?
  • It causes scandal.
  • It also leads to outrage, bad example and moral decay of children and young people.

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