Touches of Heaven 1 – Year 2018

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Lord Jesus blessed us, and all members of the Society of Friends of the Eucharist and the blessing will accompany us throughout the whole year. Virgin Mary said that she will be helping us and all members of the Society.

Today my grandchild Viktorka told me: “Grandma, statue of Virgin Mary of Lourdes is now talking to me and told me three secrets that I cannot tell anyone only to you and grandpa.” All three of them were the same, she only told them in different way. When she said them, in that moment I felt joy and pain in my heart. In the evening Valentín asked Virgin Mary whether it is true what our grandchild is telling us. Mother of God smiled and nodded that it is. Jesus said: “Everything that Viktorka is telling you is true. She is child of my Mommy. Remember how she brought her in her arms before her conception. Viktorka is part of my work.”

I woke up because of unbearable headache that were seconded with digestion problems, pain of joints and wound on my back. It lasted until evening. Pain was so massive that I was not able to take part on morning and evening Holy Mass.

Lord Jesus left me message: “Barlička, offer your sufferings always for conversion of specific sinner or for healing of specific human. I wish now that you offer all your sufferings for conversion of the man from your close neighborhood (said his name) and for healing of his son. For his conversion offer all Holy Masses that you will take part this year.”

Jesus said: “Valentín, Barlička, life here on earth is just a short episode. Eternal life is important. Journey you are going is journey of the cross. Sword of pain will pierce your hearts, as it pierced Heart of my Mommy. But I will give you power and graces to overcome everything. I will give you power to manage everything. I will never leave you alone!” For quite a while already Viktorka is telling me that she wants to have baby brother whose name will be Ignác (Ignatius). She is telling the same to her parents. I asked Valentín to ask Lord Jesus what it means as she is not talking about anything else, just how she will take care of her little sibling Ignatius and she is not accepting any other name. Jesus said: “For my work I need the ones such medieval Ignatius of Loyola. Viktorka is not making this up. She is guided by the Holy Spirit. Little son of Majka needs patron like saint Ignatius.”

With Lord Jesus came as well beatified Titus Zeman. He said: “I am happy that such work will come from Slovakia and that I can be part of that, because you chose me as patron. I am proud to be Slovak. I will accompany you everywhere.”

I am often meeting former colleague, when she sees me, she is acting like she does not know me. It bothers me because I did not hurt her in any way, but on contrary, I wanted to protect her from committing mortal sin. I got to know that her 20-year-old son died tragically which hit her very painfully. He was smart and studied at the university. He drowned. Jesus said: “She does not like to see you, Barlička, you are voice of her conscience. Every time she sees you, her mortal sin appears in front of her eyes that she committed in her youth age. She killed her unborn baby, despite you begged her not to do it. You fought like lioness for that child, but she did not listen to you. Remember, as well father of the child was fighting for it, but she was only thinking about herself. I gifted her child, and she gave it back to me. I gave her another one, but as none of these sins stays without punishment, I gave her the child, I took the child from her.”

My suffering is bigger and bigger. Jesus left me message: “Barlička, when you have to offer suffering, you have to suffer.”

Today we came to church with our grandchild Viktorka. Virgin Mary said: “This is my beloved child. Enjoy her. As well second child that your daughter Majka is expecting, will be my child.”

In a dream I saw a person with disfigured face. He was staring horribly and had deformed mouth huge as half of the face. Mouth was open so I could see it is black from inside. Lips were swollen so much that it dominated on whole look. That person was disgusting and looking at him was disturbing. It was all horrible. Jesus said: “It was not a human but soul of a sinful human. Such soul really looks like this.”